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Pack of Schwinn Bicycles

Pack of Schwinns

“Pack of Schwinns”, 36″x36″x1.5″, acrylic on canvas. 2018



And now for something really different 🙂


On an antiquing trip to Round Top, Texas with my husband, I walked by a line of vintage Schwinn bikes. I thought: “Wouldn’t that make an interesting painting? I should probably take a picture of this for later.”


Several months later, I ran across my Schwinn reference photo. I needed a large painting for an upcoming exhibition, and had just over 1.5 weeks to complete it. Could I pull this one off in that short amount of time? Sure! Well, I did finish the painting in time, but it was TOUGH. I felt like my eyes were crossed the entire time I painted this piece.


I firmly believe that we should challenge ourselves in Life. Learn something new, travel, learn an instrument, and occasionally get out of your comfort zone. When we do, we learn so much about ourselves. We discover that we are made of stronger stuff. This painting really challenged me. It is my first bicycle painting, and I know I’ll create others in the future. I will need to rest my eyes a bit first. 😉


Available through Kristen Campo Fine Art . Please contact gallery director, Kristen Campo, for inquiries. 

Shan and Schwinns
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