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Ferrari F430 Pirelli Challenge

Ferrari F430 Pirelli Challenge

“Ferrari F430 – Pirelli Challenge Winner” – 24″x36″x1.5″, 2017, acrylic on canvas.


This is a commissioned painting of an award winning Ferrari F430. My client won first place in the Pirelli Ferrari Challenge in Italy with this lovely lady. I was given several images to work from, but this one caught my eye as the wheels are off the ground on the right side. I was also drawn to the focus in the driver’s eye, and wanted to tackle painting a portrait within one of my vehicle paintings.


The race car driver is also a prominent, local business owner that gives back to many charities. His entire staff came together to commission this painting as a thank you for all he has done. It was a honor to be given the task of capturing this vehicle for my clients.


To me, this is one reason I love what I do. If I can bring joy to others through my art, it is all worth it.



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