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Blue McClaren P1

2015 Blue McLaren P1

“Blue McLaren P1″, 24″x48”, mixed acrylic media & ink blocks, 2016.


How often do you get to photograph a sexy hypercar like this? I was thrilled when I saw this vehicle locally, and wanted to attempt capturing this amazing ride onto canvas. The first thought that came to my mind was graceful predator. This vehicle is meant to take the roads with sophisticated style. I loved how the lighting offered various colors in the blue body. I played down the background on this painting, so that the McLaren took center stage on the canvas.


Colors used: Dioxazine Purple, Ultramarine/Cobalt/Cerulean Blue, Paynes Gray, Naples Yellow, Titanium White, Hookers Green, Raw Umber & Sienna, Cadmium Red/Orange, and Phthalocynanine Green.



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